Kia Ora everyone my name is Sauma. Today my class did some Taha Tinana work,which is what could help people in Lock-down, do some work which is amazing, to tell others what you could work on, which I said we could post a blog post on our blogs to share a message with people in needs to work out,I hope you do enjoy, and feel free to leave and positive comment.
Monday, 31 August 2020
Taha Whanau!!
Kia Ora everyone my name is Sauma. Today this morning the whole of Team 5 did a slide task which is about, your family member and what is there role and what they do to help with the family, and it is amazing because you could tell others what you and your family having been up to during the Lock-down, I hope you do enjoy, and feel free to leave and positive comment.
KIA ORA everyone my name is Sauma. Today WE ARE BACK TO SCHOOL!!! which I felt to post a blog about me and my siblings going back to school, which is amazing and fun to see my TEACHER and MY FRIENDS, but I will be distancing during school time while I go back to SCHOOL!!! I hope you do enjoy, feel free to leave and positive comment.

Friday, 28 August 2020
Learning HISTORY Of CANADA!!!!!
Szia everyone my name is Sauma. Today I have created a task, this is a task about History and FACTS!! about Canada!!, as I learned what is the information and more, FACTS I hope you do enjoy and feel free to leave a positive comment.
Thursday, 27 August 2020
2.2 He Aha To Hiahia?
Kia Ora everyone my name is Sauma. Today you are going to be learning about my task, in my task is many information and explaining about 2.2 He aha to hiahia?, and the meaning of fun facts as you talk to someone as of communicate with others, and talk to them in Maori, as this slides go on I have a VIDEO CLIP,which is talking in Maori, I hope you do enjoy, and feel free to leave and positive comment.
He aha to hiahia?,
Mrs Stone,
room 4,
Te Reo Maori,
year 7
Wednesday, 26 August 2020
Descriptive Writing
Namaste everyone my name is Sauma. Today I have been learning about describing pitchers, as of descriptive writing, today my reading group did a amazing work of learning NEW FACTS of writing, and it was amazing to write about writing because it gives you viewers information,about your learning, I hope you do enjoy,and feel free to leave and positive comment.


- Harry Potter Book writer
- Famous writer
- 55 years old
- British author
- Born 31 July 1965
- Culture Untied Kingdom
Tuesday, 25 August 2020
Welcome To The Kitchen
Introduction: At the end of this lesson students will learn about the following:
- Food Safety and hygiene
- The order of washing up-Dishes
- Safe knife handling skills
- Food skills- Range; dice, peel, grate, slice
Food Safety & Hygiene
Read through the following 8 ways for keeping food safe and clean then complete the activities that follow.
Food Safety & Hygiene Activity
Drinks spilling
Heaps Of dishes
Left over food
Mop on food
1. List 5 reasons why it is important that we maintain a healthy and tidy workspace?
Bacteria Cells, Bad looking after,
2. How long should we wash our hands for? 20 seconds
3. What is another name for an eggplant? Solanum melongena
4. Explain the difference between the following cuts:
- Dicing is a small cube looking
- Slicing it is like cutted in strips looking
5. What is another name for a white sauce? Salsa Colla
6. Explain cross contamination? Cross-contamination is how bacteria can spread. It occurs when juices from raw meats or germs from unclean objects touch cooked or ready-to-eat foods
7. How do you prepare a chopping board to ensure it is not moving? The easiest way to keep your board stable is to grab a paper towel, wet it and wring it out so it's just damp, then lay it out flat on your counter before placing the cutting board down on it.
Kia Ora everyone my name is Sauma. Today my Tech class has been learning about cooking, this Term is me in cooking, so in cooking my class and I are doing some facts about cooking and many information and trying new things, I hope you do enjoy, and feel free to leave and positive comment.
Mrs Stones,
room 4,
Welcome To The Kitchen,
year 7
Meet Measurement!
Bula everyone my name is Sauma. Today my Maths class has been learning about Measurement of products, in this task I have done some amazing facts about Measurement, and it is amazing to learn about, during this slide, I have done a VIDEO FILM!!! and the TOP THREE PRODUCTS I have put together in my FILM,which I hope you do enjoy, and feel free to leave and positive comment.


- Scale Grams
- Ratio
- Litre
- Kilogram
- CM
- Millimetre
- Tonne
- MORE!!!
Monday, 24 August 2020
Mewburn And Mahy
Kia Ora everyone my name is Sauma. Today my Reading class has been learning about the Totara Tree which is in New Zealand, which
today I have moved to different reading groups which I have moved to Mewburn which is another reading task, which is fun and amazing, in this task I and my reading class has been learning about the facts and what had happen to the tree,and what they did, I hope you do enjoy,and feel free to leave and Positive comment.
1: It's the largest Tree In New Zealand
2: Very long leaves 2.5
3: Over Hundred Years Old
Mewburn And Mahy,
Mrs Stone,
Totara Tree,
year 7
The Sons of Ma'afu
Bula everyone my name is Sauma.
Today my Reading class has read an amazing book which is some great Facts and the history of the Chief of Kingdom of Tonga, as there were parts of the story,as the sons of Ma'afu and the village, had been anger and disappointed about how they were throwing spears, towards near the homes of the Villages, and as the people were really anger, and as they were told to do things, and as they made bad decisions, which this is and amazing fantastic book to read,I hope you do enjoy,and feel free to leave and positive comment.

1: Born 1816
2: Died 6 February 1881
3: Parents AleamotuΚ»a
4: Culture Tongan Fijian *ish*
He was a traditional Tongan Prince and a Fijian chief nominated and installed by the Tovata chiefs of Lakeba and Vanua Balavu as 'Tui Lau' in 1869.
Friday, 21 August 2020
Getting Creative with Myths and Legends
Ciao everyone my name is Sauma. Today my home class room 4 has been learning about my task, which my task is about being creative, in this task is about what dragons eat, what does the dragons look like in there Myths and Legends homes, I hope you do enjoy, and feel free to leave and positive comment.
Thursday, 20 August 2020
Support By Exercising
Salve everyone my name is Sauma. Today I have created a task for you all today, so today task that I made was about excising,it will try to help others, exercise during
LOCK DOWN which is good,I really hope that this does help,and to share ideas with others,what we can do,to fix this Lock down at home, because we are in Lock down,it will help us with our health,which we can keep healthy,and keep on moving,I hope you do enjoy,and feel free to leave a positive comment.
Before I Forgot 2.0
Hola everyone my name is Sauma. Today in my maths class we have been learning about different problems,with helps people minds as of exercising, which the Maths problems that my class and I did were Prim Numbers,and Graphs,Factors,multiplies and others different problems, today was a bit of and struggle,but then I ask my OLDER SISTER LUCY to help me with some of my problems of the Maths, she explained me about the problems,then I had tried to sort out the answer and how I worked it out,I hope you do enjoy, and feel free to leave and positive comment.
Wednesday, 19 August 2020
Bonjour everyone my name is Sauma. Today you are going to be learning about my task that I had to learn for you today, today I had a great mood to create a task about me waking up and doing Just Dance!!, it is amazing to try new things, and no doing excising of turning it into a break dance, try out gives you a great day,I hope you do enjoy,and feel free to leave and positive comment.
Character Descriptions
WALT: use descriptive language in our writing
Talofa Lava everyone my name is Sauma. Today my class as of reading has been learning about my tasks of reading, so in my learning reading class, I have been learning about the history, of New Zealand, which is amazing, as of learning about Awarua, the big Fish or a dragon,but yeah, who was learning to fly and more, and we did some amazing question about Awarua, and more, and we recreated our own dragon, and more information, I hope you don enjoy, and feel free to leave and positive comment.
The Taniwha of Porirua
WALT: Develop a deeper understanding of the Taniwha of New Zealand
Talofa Lava everyone my name is Sauma. Today my class has been learning about different types of amazing storeys,about long long long ago, about Awarua,and his friend who knew how to fly Rereroa, which was happening is Rereroa was teaching Awarua, how to fly which was amazing to learn about, and how it was in New Zealand, where there are many more history about New Zealand, I hope you do enjoy, and feel free to leave and positive comment.
Tuesday, 18 August 2020
Decimal Fractions
Ola everyone my name is Sauma. Today you are going to be learning about my task, which my task talks about, Maths of learning Decimal Fractions, which is so fun and amazing to learn new maths problems that helps us, and we learned hard maths problems,which was amazing, to have an explanation, of your Maths problems, I hope you do enjoy, and feel free to leave an positive comment.
Monday, 17 August 2020
Walt: Trying new things that HELPS YOU!!
Konbanwa everyone my name is Sauma. Today I have created you a task, which is about Polar Bear Porridge, which there is a slide deck above, which is information, which is a video clip, of how it is created, and is a part TOO, which is amazing, I hope you do enjoy,and feel free to leave and positive comment
Friday, 14 August 2020
Bula everyone my name is Sauma. Today you are going to be learning about my task that I had to create for you all today, which was fun, today my family and I have been creating a tree house since the covid-19, has started which was in the beginning,of the year, where during that time my family and I have created a tree house at the backyard of my family house,which in our part 2 of the Lock-down,is painting the tree house, which is the finish peace of touches of the backyard house,I hope you do enjoy, and feel free to leave and positive comment.
Thursday, 13 August 2020
Fruit Vibe BOWL!!
KIA ORA everyone my name is Sauma. today you are going to be learning about my task, so today my day in isolation was about me creating a Fruit Vibe BOWL!! which is so amazing, today I have created you and slide deck, about the home made created Fruit Vibe BOWL!! which is a video, I hope you do enjoy, and feel free to leave and positive comment.
Wednesday, 12 August 2020

KIA ORA everyone my name is Sauma. Today i'm going to be talking about the things that are happening, so last night I have been watching the news of the government speaking out to the people that are out there,Jacinda Ardern Speaking, she was talking about how we are in level which is a bit to fast of,coming out of Lock down a few months ago,moving to lock down for a few days,while we need to keep our hands clean,because it is very spreading fast which is bad,keep of sanitising your hands,and wash them good,keep up the great work!!
1: Wash Good Threw Your HANDS!!
2: Cough Sneeze On ELBOW COVER!!
3: Stay Home If SICK!!
4: Sanitise Hands BEFORE & AFTER!!
Tuesday, 11 August 2020
Famous Mathematicians

Walt: Subtraction 3 digit numbers
Monday, 10 August 2020
Camp 2021
Kia Ora everyone my name is Sauma. Today you are going to be learning about my task, today my class has done a task,which is about changing what we want for 2021,and for the year 7,and year 8, which is amazing because people might not like what they have in common,I hope you do enjoy,and feel free to leave an positive comment.
Team Strikers!!!
Last Week the year 8 had left to Leadership camp,which it was only the year 7 and a few year 8,where we had teams, which my team was called Team Strikers,where my group on the first day, gathered up,and thought of ideas,of naming our group,it was hard,but a lot shy,to talk but we made it at the end,it was hard to think of an beat,with our chant ,but we managed to include other team members idea,to our thinking,later on the day before morning tea,we gathered up the whole of team 5,to show each others chant,as we were starting we did some activities and more,next we showed each other our chant and what we have learnt on the first day.
Morning Tea: We went back to our Team class and did some fun activities of stepping up and supporting others,as they try new things,our first game was an cookie challenge,so first we had to have a cookie and pop it on your forehead and move around as you try to put it on your mouth,SOME
Step Up Program
Step Up Program
Last week the year 8, had left to Leadership camp,where the year 7 had step up and be Leaders, while the year 8 were gone, for a few days,which means we were Leaders,of the school,which was great,and amazing for others to step up out of their comfort zone, and be examples, to others and mostly little kids,it was amazing to let year 7 take a leadership role,of being you they are meant to be, which is fun.
Day One: of year 7 Step Up Program, the team 5 students,which were the year 7, gathered up,and talked threw our day and a normale morning,during that time the called names as of what class you are in for the three days,as we left to class and corporate,and shared ideas,for our chant name,and our team name,during those times, I was a bit hard, and struggling,but we managed to support,and include others,and share ideas,as we did some activities.
TEAM WHO WON: Team Thunder
WHO COMPETED: Team Thunder, Team Strikers, Team Duck Life
Tuesday, 4 August 2020
Captain Cook (Story)
Bula everyone my name is Sauma. Today you are going to be learning, about my task that I had to create for you today, today I have done, an task with my class, which is about, Caption Cooks first time in New Zealand, which means I have separated in different task, so this is story by story, as of bit by bit, when my main actor on my other slide, was doing, and more information, I hope you do enjoy, and feel free to leave an positive comment.
Fresh Fractions 2.1!
WALT: revise our knowledge of fractions
Task Description: For this week for maths we have been learning about fractions! Please make sure to leave a positive COMMENT!
As I Saw it...
Talofa Lava everyone my name is Sauma. Today you are going to be learning about my task that I had to learn for you today,my class has been learning,about investigation!- It was so fun! Hope you enjoy!- Please make sure to leave a positive comment!
As I Saw It!
KIA ORA everyone my name is Sauma. Today you are going to be learning, about my task, so today, my class has been learning about, Captain Cooks, first time in New Zealand, which is an amazing fact to learn about,which means when he came there were more trouble then people were expecting,which there were lot's of blood, I hope you do enjoy,and feel free to leave an positive comment.
Monday, 3 August 2020
Legend From Tame Iti

KIA ORA everyone my name is Sauma. Today my reading class,has been learning new things, which was about New Zealand, which is name is Tame Tti,which is different types of amazing fun facts about him,he has a big life change in his history,which means back then,in his school of age,the Maori, kids wasn't allowed to talk in Maori,which means if they do they will be punished after school,as he grew older, on time in his life he went on his hours,and brought the flag in front,of the Men,as he shot the New Zealand flag,which was in 2005,I hope you do enjoy,and feel free to leave an positive comment.
WALT: Identify features in Persuasive Writing
TOPIC: Role Model
What is your hook to make your audience listen to your speech? As you have a leader to guide you.
a personal story? tell what sometimes happen in your story
a thought provoking question
a powerful statement? be power-ful as you speak
A role model is a person of whom I can look up to; learn from, imitate, and also be inspired to succeed the way he or she has done in his or her life. ... Again, a role model is one who brings examples about a positive change in me. It is someone whom I can relate to in my struggles as well as my dreams,look up to be seen by who you believe in, follow as others copy, then show examples,to have attention.
Your reasons to support your opinion on this topic
Add supporting information
Reason 1:
Because you can look up at an amazing role model,as you show support.
Supporting information:
You learn something as they lead you.
Reason 2:
Have leaders,that may have attention,from others that can help you.
Supporting information:
As well you show support to your leaders.
Reason 3:
Laugh,Clap,and Cheer,to help them
Supporting information:
Show support.
A call to action – ask your audience to do something!
Focus on who is in front of you,show support as of who you look up to.
Sunday, 2 August 2020
KIA ORA everyone my name is Sauma. Today my class and I have learnt, Myths and Legends, which today,we did an reflection,of our learning of the story,and what was our number one favourite,which is so amazing to learn new different things and does help me with my learning,I hope you do enjoy,an feel free to leave,an positive comment.
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