Thursday, 30 April 2020
Which Graph
KIA ORA everyone my name is Sauma,today you are going to be learning about my task that I had to create for today,but today I was working on my Maths,which talks about Which Graph,and I had to solve some amazing work,and st the end you will see me creating a column graph,and I hope you do enjoy,and feel free to leave a comment.
Wednesday, 29 April 2020
Distance Learning
KIA ORA everyone my name is Sauma,today i'm focusing on,a slide deck,which talks about different slides that I have been working on,and there are days,which are Wednesday to next week,and we have different activity each day,I hope you do enjoy,and feel free to leave a positive comment.
Tuesday, 28 April 2020
My Big Learning from having to stay home during this lock-down?
Hi everyone my name is Sauma,today you are going to be learning about my task that I had to create for today,which talks about,Big things you do during Lock-down,and this is my photo that I had to create for today,I hope you do enjoy,and feel free to leave a positive comment.
A message to Nana and Papa
Malo lelei everyone my name is Sauma,today you are going to be learning about my task that I had to create for today,which is a letter for your Grand-Parent's,so here is my letter for my Grand-Parent's,I hope you do enjoy,and feel free to leave a positive comment.
Poster Of Covid-19 Tips
Here is another photo of my task that I had to create,which was making a poster for Aotearoa,of Please do,this would very help if you could do this and can Protect your self against
Corona- virus,I hope you do enjoy,and feel free to leave a positive comment.
Prime Minister Jacinda says you can choose 2 places you to visit outside your bubble
Here is my second activity,post for today which is,what are to places would you ask Prime Minister Jacinda,for,so here is what I choose and I hope you like it.
Bula everyone my name is Sauma today your going to learn,on what my literacy class are doing,so you might of seen my first post of my activity,but this is a another of asking Prime Minister Jacinda,what you would like to visit during Lock-down,I hope you do enjoy,and feel free to leave a positive comment.
Bula everyone my name is Sauma today your going to learn,on what my literacy class are doing,so you might of seen my first post of my activity,but this is a another of asking Prime Minister Jacinda,what you would like to visit during Lock-down,I hope you do enjoy,and feel free to leave a positive comment.
Introducing My Bubble
Here is a photo of my task that I had to create which is,what I do at home with my family,so here is mostly all I do during Lock-down,and most of the times at home I do fun activity's with my family and [post and learning about my school work while I work on that,I hope you enjoy.
KIA ORA everyone my name is Sauma,and today you are going to be learning about my task that I had to create for today,which is one of my literacy work,and one of the 1 activity work,which is from a slide deck,and this is activity work 1,I hope you enjoy,and feel free to leave a positive comment.
KIA ORA everyone my name is Sauma,and today you are going to be learning about my task that I had to create for today,which is one of my literacy work,and one of the 1 activity work,which is from a slide deck,and this is activity work 1,I hope you enjoy,and feel free to leave a positive comment.
Friday, 24 April 2020
How To Bake Anzac Biscuits?

Hi everyone my name is Sauma,today you are going to be learning about my task that I had to create for today,which talks about me baking Amazing Anzac Biscuits,with in the ingredients,and step by step, with some photos of me baking,and my beautiful Mum trying my biscuit,I hope you enjoy,and feel free to leave a positive comment.
How To Create A Anzac Poppy Flower?
Hi everyone my name is Sauma,today I was just chilling in my bed reading,until,I was thinking about Anzac day so,then I papered what I needed for this video,I hope you enjoy,and feel free to leave a positive comment.
The Geosphere
Hi everyone my name is Sauma,today you are going to be learning about my task that I had to create,this task talks about,the Earth,and in the Earth we have four layers,that are Crust,Mantle,Outer Core,Inner,Core,with,and me and my class has been learning what is a Geosphere,so in this slide you will learn about Geosphere,and some answers that I had to answers,I hope you enjoy,and feel free to leave a positive comment.
Thursday, 23 April 2020
Book Review
Hi everyone my name is Sauma,today you are going o be learning about my task that I had to create,which was a Book Review,which is a slide that tells you most of the information,and this is all about my book,and this is what's tell you all about it,I hope you like it,and feel free to leave a positive comment.
Book Review
Hi everyone my name is Sauma,today you are going to be learning about my post that I had to post for today,which is a Book Review,so here on this slide you will see so much information about my book that I had to read,this will mostly give you all the information about my book,I hope you do enjoy,and feel free to leave a positive comment.
Volcano Explosion
the ingredients:Baking-soda,White vinegar,Cold water,and Dish soup,as you combined the ingredients you will see a volcano explosion,I hope you do enjoy.
Hi everyone my name is Sauma,today I felt in the mood to post a video of me creating a volcano,as I was doing it I felt amazed,I was really interested to do some stuff today of learning,I hope you do enjoy,and feel to leave a positive comment.
Wednesday, 22 April 2020
Other Popular Graphs!
Hi everyone it is me Sauma,today's focus is Maths,which my maths class are working on a other popular graphs,you might of seen lot's of posts of graphs from this week,and this is a Don't be Mean,Be Above Range,so it is a Maths type of work,from this slide I have been learning to solve different problems,I hope you do enjoy,and feel free to leave a positive comment.
Williamson and Cowley
Hi everyone my name is Sauma,today you are going to learning about my task that I had to create for today,which talks about my week,and in this slide I have my literacy work like Writing,and Reading,and the days are up to Monday to Friday,I hope you enjoy,and feel free to leave a positive comment.
Tuesday, 21 April 2020
Line Graph
Today's Focus is on Line Graphs,which I had to create a slide deck,we learned how it works and solved lot's of problems,and we eave solved,and I even created my own Line graph,I hope you enjoy,and feel free to leave a positive comment.
Pie Graphs
Hi everyone today I had to create a Pie Graph,which there are different category,that are in the circle,and which I learned a lot from,creating this slide,and I even solved a big category which are in colours,I hope you enjoy.
Hi everyone my name is Sauma,today you are going to be learning about my task that I had to create for today,which is learning about a Pie Graph,which are in a circle,with lot's of category I hope you like it,and feel free to leave a positive comment.
Saturday, 18 April 2020
Amazing Helpers Out There
hi everyone my name is Sauma,today you are going to seeing what I created for today,which is a video for the amazing helpers,out there,because this has us Educating at home while the Covid 19 is happening,and another big Thank-you for the people who is helping the people in need and more,feel free to leave a positive comment.
Amazing Helpers Out There,
room 3,
year 7
Friday, 17 April 2020
Williamson And Cowley
Hi everyone my name is Sauma, today you are going to be learning about my task that I had to create today,which talks about a presentation,that has a lot of slid's,that I had to create,for the week,because of quarantine,and this task includes days,like Wednesday to Friday,Reading and Writing,feel free to leave a positive comment.
Thursday, 16 April 2020
Bar Graphs
Hi everyone my name is Sauma,today you are going to be learning about my task that I had to create,for today,which talks about maths,so I learned a lot from learning about Bar Graphs,and at the end I had created my own Bar Graphs,feel free to leave a positive comment.
Wednesday, 15 April 2020
Study Online At Home

Hi everyone,my name is Sauma,today I felt in the mood to Welcome my self on Online school,for a little while during quarantine, I hope you do enjoy,my online school home work,and feel free to leave a positive comment.
Friday, 10 April 2020
Easter Learning Journey: Week 2 Day 10 Activity 1
Hi everyone today I had to create a poster,which talks about two things you wish that could happen soon as possible,and I was thinking carefully what I should do, and I said to myself Earth! because right now we are in Danger,with virus spreading,around so,I chose Earth,to get clean as possible,because of right now,Look after yourself,stay home and
Save Lives.
Hi everyone my name is Sauma,today you are going to be learning about my task that I had to create,which was a poster,with two things you wish could happen,soon as possible,I hope you did learn more information,from my task,feel free to leave a positive comment.
Save Lives.
Hi everyone my name is Sauma,today you are going to be learning about my task that I had to create,which was a poster,with two things you wish could happen,soon as possible,I hope you did learn more information,from my task,feel free to leave a positive comment.
Thursday, 9 April 2020
Easter Learning Journey: Week 2 Day 9 Activity 1/2/3
What We Do Before And After Easter?
On Easter-Eve we prepare home made Easter-Eggs,and this is how to make your own Easter-egg during the Corona-virus Lock-down,so here are some tips that I found that you could do off google,the things you would need for this is Balloon,Kebab Stick,Chunky Chocolate,and a big Bowl,that is what you would need, and after that is done we put that in the Freezer to get ready, to be what is like a Balloon kind of,then we wait until the next morning,but really at night we are a waked being so excited to find Easter-eggs,as full excite meant we fell asleep.
Next Morning…. We wake up,and get ready with happiness,and full of enjoyment,after we get ready me and my family gather up and have a little pray before we start,because sometimes we forget to pray and know what is Easter all about so we,actually first sing all together our church song that we have been working on,and then we read a Bible verse,which means my family's Motto,from the Bible,then my family and I do a small pray before we do our Easter Hunt, then we head outside but actually my parents go outside and hide the Easter-eggs,after there finish we had to wait in the hallway,in order because we want to make it fare with our little siblings,so then my Mum said my little brothers name then he goes off and start his hunting,after that we all go we sometimes think it is not here but actually it is but in difficult places,after we find all the Easter-eggs,we start eating them,but every-time no one has that much,my Mum is so prepared to get three backups for the people who has a little bit,I hope you did enjoy.
Wednesday, 8 April 2020
Easter Learning Journey: Week 2 Day 8 Activity 1/2/3

Tooth Brush/Tooth Paste
Body Wash/Scrubber
EJS Books (Three)
Camera/Memory Cards
Sun Hat/Sunscreen/Sun Glass
Five: T Shirts Shorts
Under Wear
Lotion/Hair accessories
Scuba diving gear/Togs
Note Books/Pens/Gel Pens/Stickers
Beach Towel/Shower Towel
2 Pairs of Sandals/Fanny pack
Emergency Kit
Hi everyone my name is Sauma,today you are going to be learning about my task that I had to create today,so this task is all about Travailing,so you might of seen my 2 last posted of my Parents,and today is going to be Travailing to there Country,and in one of the Info it says,who would you like to bring and it was only two people you would love to bring,and I was really thinking, and it is really difficult to choose,but I did made a great dissension,and it is my PARENTS,why because they would really want to see there livings,back in time,and they can help there family,come with us and have a better life here? and to help them with there health,so that is why I would love to bring my Parents,feel free to leave a positive comment.
Tuesday, 7 April 2020
Easter Learning Journey: Week 2 Day 7 Activity 1/2/3
All the way from the Beautiful Vava'u,there lived my mum,she lived in a Homemade Home,every morning she would go to a,Super Market,where lots of people Sell there,own picked Fruit,Vegetable,or some amazing carved Necklace,and the capital of Tonga is Nukualofa,that is a very great place to visit,and the Tongan population of 2020 is estimated at 105,695 people at mid year according to UN data,Tonga's climate can be described as warm, tropical climate. Temperatures are warm all year round and can get hot in the summer, but seldom reaches above 35°C. Trade winds from the east southeast bring year long cooling breezes late afternoon and early evening,and that is all about my Mum.
Dad: Far Far away there lived this beautiful and fantastic place called Samoa,where amazing miracles could happen,there lived my dad, he did stay in a handmade home,which is a small Island in Samoa called Apia,he stayed with his beautiful family,every morning you could imagine going to the big supermarket in town where,lots of fun things happen,and people selling there food,and the capital of Samoa is Apia,which is the largest town in Samoa,and the climate,of Samoa is as a tropical Pacific Island close to the equator, Samoa's climate is warm and humid all year round, with little variation in temperature but with distinct wet and dry seasons, Samoa's average daytime air temperature throughout the year ranges from 24 to 30 degrees Celsius,and the template is that Samoan of 2020 population is estimated at 198,414 people at mid year according to UN data,and that is all about my Dad.
Hi everyone my name is Sauma, today you are going to be learning about my task for today,which talks about my parents culture,so we had to find and research about my parents,so I had to make a Template about them and a Population,and the Capital City,of the country,of where they stayed,or where there from,feel free to leave a positive comment.
Monday, 6 April 2020
Easter Learning Journey: Week 2 Day 6 Activity 1/2/3
Hi everyone today I had to create a Family Tree,on google drawing, I made my Parents Siblings,and they are in each,I hope you enjoy my task.
Hi everyone my name is Sauma, today you are going to be learning about my task for today,so this task is all about creating your own family tree,so you can see that I have done my Parents siblings I hope you enjoy,my task,feel free to leave a positive comment.
Hi everyone my name is Sauma, today you are going to be learning about my task for today,so this task is all about creating your own family tree,so you can see that I have done my Parents siblings I hope you enjoy,my task,feel free to leave a positive comment.
Friday, 3 April 2020
Extra-Text Message

Hi everyone today I had to create a Extra-Text Message, Imagine if you were given the ability to text one message today to all people of Aotearoa-as I was Imagining,I was thinking people don't really need to go hard out on your shopping,so I tried to make a Text for people to know,whats happening ,I hope you do enjoy my post for today,Stay Strong Keep Calm.
Hi everyone my name is Sauma, today you are going to be learning about my post for today,so this is a Friday task,and my task talks about having the ability to Message everyone in Aotearoa,and you might of seen the photo at the top,which says Never Lose Hope Stay Positive New Zealand,and why I picked it was because,some people might be in stress but Never Lose Hope,and stay positive New Zealand
It's Friday!
Hi everyone today I had to create a poster that shows three key Quotes you have heard from your Family, so you might been updated from the News that is great,but today on Friday,I had to create a task which talks about Covid-19,this is a alert with your family because this is a easy disease catcher and I want you to look threw my slide to help you find out more information. Hi everyone my name is Sauma today you are going to be learning about my task,so this task is all about Covid-19,and mostly it is some tips for you to keep you safe and it is for your own good,I had to create a poster,of the three key Quotes,that my family always reminders me with,watch my slide for more information,if you are free please leave comment.
Thursday, 2 April 2020
Taha Challenge:2
Hi everyone Today I felt to be in the mood to do Taha Challenge which is Taha Hinengaro,why because some family's must be not in the mood and they need some time alone,so here in my video I have myself doing a (mental health and emotions) well-being,I hope you do have some tips,from this clip,I hope you enjoy
Hi everyone my name is Sauma today you are going to be learning about my task,so today is Thursday, 2nd April 2020,so for today task, which is Taha Hinengoro,here is a video of myself showing you an a example of how I do it,and hope you do learn something off this,and some tips,if you are free please leave a positive comment.
2nd April 2020,
room 3,
Taha Hinengoro,
year 7
Easter Learning Journey: Day 4 Activity 1/2
Hi everyone my name is Sauma,today you are going to be learning about my Easter Learning Journey: Day 4 Activity 1/2,so we had to create a floor map of our house,with my family gathering up together,and communicating what are we going to replace,or rebuild,and create your own thing,but today I made a slide that can help you learn and have more information to which leads us ahead,if you are free please leave a positive comment.
Wednesday, 1 April 2020
Hi everyone this is me doing 10 Star Jumps,and 10 Press Ups,what I learned from doing this is staying fit and helping my body to stay physical,I hope you still stay healthy at home and keep on Exercising,Keep Up The Good Work.
Hi everyone my name is Sauma,today you are going to be learning about my task, so this task is all about choosing a Taha so,for an example my teacher ask my class online to choose a Taha,then make a video or take a photo of yourself doing it, and the Taha that I chose was Taha Tinana,and why I picked it was because, I know that some people might just be less active during this time but we want everyone to stay healthy and fit,if you are free please leave a positive comment
room 3,
year 7
Easter Learning Journey: Day 3 Activity 2
Today I have been,seeing some amazing facts about New Zealand,so this pitcher is a Screen shot from Google Maps,the task that I had to do was exploring online,mostly links that takes you on a adventurer,so the three links are Rangitoto Island,TΔne Mahuta Walk,and Karekare,so it says on my slide that you have to choose what type of place you liked so I am going to explane why I pick it, and what do you like about it,so the one I choose was Rangitoto because you can find some cool creatures and do lot's of Activity,like hiking and more.
Hi everyone my name is Sauma today you are going to be learning what I have done,so this task is all about searching some places,that shows links,so we had do go on Google Maps and search up the three places and attach them and see how long does toke to get there,so we had to pick one place where you liked and then write why,if you are free please leave a positive comment.
Hi everyone my name is Sauma today you are going to be learning what I have done,so this task is all about searching some places,that shows links,so we had do go on Google Maps and search up the three places and attach them and see how long does toke to get there,so we had to pick one place where you liked and then write why,if you are free please leave a positive comment.
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