Talofa Lava everyone my name is Sauma. Today you are going to be learning about my task that I had to create for you today, which talks about, my class are learning reading,which today I went to my reading class,as I learned about the Myth and Legend,but mostly Legend,as we research,facts,about where I live and the area,as of showing Myths and Legend,I hope you do enjoy,and feel free to leave an and positive comment.
Wednesday, 29 July 2020
Goals Of 2020
I would like to be 10x higher than my Reading Level.
Why: Because I can get better at my reading level,which improves my reading skills,of knowing what's the story is about,which does help me get a better future,of going somewhere.
I would like to get better at my Writing,as of getting better at Punctuation,Narrative,persuasive as of learning new things.
Why: Because I can learn different type of Writing topics,which helps, me learn to think of an amazing idea,of talking out of the box,of showing who you really are and what is the meaning of your story,as of a great role model.
Tuesday, 28 July 2020
Maths Fractions
Kia Ora everyone my name is Sauma. Today my class did some learning of Maths, which is an idea of knowing our Fractions,which is so amazing to learn about which is so fun,we did do some fun activity,I hope you do enjoy,and feel free to leave an positive comment.
Monday, 27 July 2020
What's A Myth
Talofa Lava everyone my name is Sauma. Today you are going to be learning about my task that I had to learn about, which today in my reading and writing class I did some very fun and amazing activity, and did some facts, I hope you do enjoy, an feel free to leave an positive comment.
Persuasive Writing
Bula everyone my name is Sauma. Today you are going to be learning about my task that I had to create for you today, which I did reading, as I learned about new things,which was amazing I hope you do enjoy, and feel free to leave an positive comment.
Kia Ora everyone my name is Sauma. Today you are going to be learning about my task that I had to create for you today, which talks about, the Croatia is about the dragon eye, which talks about a long long ago story, of a fight over a lady, which Murin, pulls out Airstotle, eyes, as he throws, one across, the land, and one not really far, which created an lake, of which is saying is, that if you swim, you may have a long life and have healthy kids, I hope you do enjoy, an feel free to leave an positive comment.
Friday, 24 July 2020
Kia Ora everyone my name is Sauma. Today you are going to be learning about my task that I had to create for you today, which my class and the whole of Team 5, had done our last rotation, for Term 3 week 1 moving to Week 2, which we learned about Jamaica's Coffee, of the mean explanation, as of more information, which is amazing to learn about, I hope you do enjoy, and feel free to leave an positive comment.
Paul Bunyan
Kia Ora everyone my name is Sauma. Today you are going to be learning about my task that I had to create for you today, which my friend, has been working together this slide, which talks about Paul Bunyan, which is how he travels, and how he explores, around the United States, I hope you do enjoy, and feel free to leave an positive comment.
Thursday, 23 July 2020
He aha tenei?
Talofa Lava everyone my name is Sauma. Today you are going to be learning about my task that I had to create for you today, during today I did rotations, which is about MΔori, well during class time, I learned, different types of words, which is amazing to learn about, as I filmed a video, and explain the meaning, of saying, I hope you do enjoy, an feel free to leave an postive comment.
Wednesday, 22 July 2020
Leave A Smart Foot Print
Kia Ora everyone my name is Sauma. Today you are going to be learning, about my task that I had to create for you today, which talks about me, so we had to do a create task on the Googal Drawing, which is some differnt things, I hope you do enjoy, and feel free to leave, an postive comment.
The Watcher Of The South
Kia Ora everyone my name is Sauma. Today you are going to be learning about my task that I had to create for you today, which is about The Watcher Of The South, which there is a Story, which is at South Africa, which is so amazing to learn about there long long ago history, which is amazing to learn about, I hope you do enjoy, an feel free to leave an postive comment.
Tuesday, 21 July 2020
Greek Mytholgy
Kia ora everyone my name is Sauma today you are going to be learning about my task, today I did a task of my story which is very fun to learn about,which there was a God of the Greek,which he is one of the Titans,and he has a son,which they are the Gods of the Greek, I hope you do enjoy feel free to leave an positive comment.
Kia ora everyone my name is Sauma today you are going to be learning about my task, today I did a task of my story which is very fun to learn about,which there was a God of the Greek,which he is one of the Titans,and he has a son,which they are the Gods of the Greek, I hope you do enjoy feel free to leave an positive comment.
Cambodian Myth Lightning, Thunder And Rain
Kia ora everyone my name is Sauma today you are going to be learning about my task, today I did a task of my story which is very fun to learn about, I hope you do enjoy feel free to leave an positive comment.
Kia Ora everyone my name is Sauma,today you are going to be learning about my task that I have had learned today,which I learned fun facts about Combodia,which is amazing to learn about,I hope you do enjoy, an feel free to leave an positive comment.
Monday, 20 July 2020
Immersion Assembly
Immersion Assembly:
Early in the morning, which was so sunny and light rain pouring down,when the whole of Pt England school went to the immersion assembly where we learned our New Topic? as A World of difference,which was first Team 1: was learning about differnt people around the world of how they come to school,and what they eat,which finds itself amazing,because you can study about others around the world,and what amazing facts,about them and more information,of how they do these things.
Team 2 was talking about different countries,and places,of food and learning different stuff,which helps them learn different ideas,of showing New things which must be fun, trying new things,and New Zealand.
Team 3 are learning new things,as like doing the Amazing Race,which is so amazing, because they travel all around the world, as they do the Amazing Race which is awesome,of them traveling,and finding new facts about the places they go around.
Team 4 are learning new food around the world and seeing where they come from,asking questions and showing they brought them from New Zealand and where they really come from,which is amazing to do and try new things.
Kia Ora everyone my name is Sauma,today you are going to be learning about my task that I have had learned today,which this sunny and light pouring rain,the whole of pt england school,went to the immersion assembly,my class sat down,and watched how the teachers,did an amazing job over the holidays,of acting,I hope you do enjoy,and feel free to leave a positive comment.
Thursday, 9 July 2020
Fight Movie Night
Bula everyone my name is Sauma,so today night I would like to share what I have done over the holidays,so one of my days were to night my family and I,are having an movie night which was so fun,which you should try with your own family,I hoe you do enjoy,an feel free to leave an positive comment.
Wednesday, 8 July 2020
Night Routine Hairstyle
Bula everyone my name is Sauma,today on one of my holidays,I would like to share what I have done,which is what I do on my hair for night routines,which might help you,which might be two but helpful when comes to nights,I hope you do enjoy feel free to leave an positive comment.
Tuesday, 7 July 2020
Monday, 6 July 2020
Friday, 3 July 2020
Fairy Bread
Kia Ora everyone my class and I have done,a very fun activity to celebrate,the last day of Term 2,to do Fairy Bread,which was so fun and amazing to do,I hope you do enjoy,an feel free to leave an positive comment.
Fairy Bread,
Last Day of Term 2,
Mrs Stone,
room 4,
year 7
Term 2 Reflection
Postive M I
x Do the Mahi,get the treat x2:30-3.00pm wait xKeep cleaning
work hard,play hard. some people siblings/parents finish. xMat for work shops/circle time
xOwn desk! Tote tray keep xShoes on before outside. xMore Coding,Genius Hour.
putting lunch. xToo many desk change xThree Strikes
xTime to reflect on Lock-down. 2 weeks wed xMore Social students/health
xFamily/quality time. xKindness Project
xShare/Lunch xMore Sports
xMore Art! xDiff types of art draw,clay xLearn from-home SSR/Sketch
xEarly Finsh! xKhoot/Greedy pig
xCooking x many
x Do the Mahi,get the treat x2:30-3.00pm wait xKeep cleaning
work hard,play hard. some people siblings/parents finish. xMat for work shops/circle time
xOwn desk! Tote tray keep xShoes on before outside. xMore Coding,Genius Hour.
putting lunch. xToo many desk change xThree Strikes
xTime to reflect on Lock-down. 2 weeks wed xMore Social students/health
xFamily/quality time. xKindness Project
xShare/Lunch xMore Sports
xMore Art! xDiff types of art draw,clay xLearn from-home SSR/Sketch
xEarly Finsh! xKhoot/Greedy pig
xCooking x many
Over View Of Term 2
Over View Of Term 2
Kia Ora everyone my name is Sauma,today my class and I are doing a task of what we have enjoy,and which we like over the Term 2,which was going threw ups,and downs,because due to Covid-19,which was sometimes hard for family's,which they had to loose there jobs,and pay food,which was hard,but kind of good to bring family's together,and help your family with things that might need to be done,I hope you do enjoy,and feel free to leave an positive comment.
Kia Ora everyone my name is Sauma,today my class and I are doing a task of what we have enjoy,and which we like over the Term 2,which was going threw ups,and downs,because due to Covid-19,which was sometimes hard for family's,which they had to loose there jobs,and pay food,which was hard,but kind of good to bring family's together,and help your family with things that might need to be done,I hope you do enjoy,and feel free to leave an positive comment.

Thursday, 2 July 2020
My Fight (Reading)
Kia Ora everone my name is Sauma,today this morning my class as of reading,has been learning,different types,of amazing fun books,which makes tells us more information about,the book,but today my reading group,read an nice,book of realising stress,I hope you do enjoy,and feel free,to leave an positive comment.
Wednesday, 1 July 2020
Kia Ora everyone my name is Sauma,today i'm going to share,my Animation movie,which talks about me and my whole of team 5,has been doing DLO,which is so fun,and to share our work,with others,I hope hope you do enjoy,an feel free to leave an positive comment.
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