~ Term 4/Te WΔ Toi (Art time) ~
WALT use personal voice.
WALT elaborate on our ideas using interesting and relevant details.
Step 1: Go to Immersion Assembly.
Step 2: Talk to your neighbour about what you think the term inquiry is going to be about and what you want to achieve this term.
Step 3: Share vocabulary on the word bank.
Step 4: Plan for your writing. Post this on your blog along with one or two sentences explaining what the task was.
Write your introduction last once you know what you have written about.
Welcome your audience back to your blog.
→ i am happy to be back .
Explain what you are going to be sharing in this writing: What are you going to write about in each of your body paragraphs? (Hint: look at the questions below).
Topic 1: The inquiry topic: Te wΔ toi (Art Time)
What is the name of this term’s inquiry?
→ te wa toi .
Based on our immersion assembly item and the inquiry name, what do you think we are going to be learning about this term/ what do you think we will be doing?
→ panting .
How do you feel about this term’s inquiry topic?
→ happy and fine .
What do you already know which will help you with the inquiry topic?
→ te wa toi.
Topic 2: Your challenges
What are you finding challenging/difficult at school at the moment?
→ different topics .
What do you think could help you overcome these challenges?
→ i do not kown .
Topic 3: Your goals for the term
What do you want to achieve this term/ what are your learning goals?
→ panting helping .
How can your teachers support/ help you with achieving these goals?
→ helping goals
Do you think the inquiry will help you achieve your goals? How?
→ yes i do not kown .
How do you feel looking ahead at term 4? Are you excited/ nervous? Any other emotions? Explain why you feel this way..
Step 5: Begin writing in full sentences/ paragraphs, using the plan above to help you.
Today we just finsh our Holidays ,
Team 1 did kind of like a Puzzle as we fond out it was a Lion , team 2 did a panting Competition , Team 3 did panting on a paper but they wered overalls , team 4 did a panting Competition of a moving Statue .
Step 6: Have a friend read your writing or read your writing to your friend. Get them to give you feedback and make changes. Use the rubric to help you.
Step 7: Once you have finished, share your writing on your blog along with a picture and/or the Term 4 Inquiry Poster.
I have planned my writing.
I have used punctuation (full stops, capital letters, etc.).
I have used the rubric to have a friend give me feedback on my writing.
I have included a picture or the Term 4 Inquiry Poster on my blog post.
I have included labels on my blog post.
'Hi my name is Sauma this is my blog hope you like this .
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