Thursday, 29 October 2020
3.2 He aha te Taima?
Tuesday, 27 October 2020
Family Reunion
Family Reunion
Title:Family Reunion:
Family Reunion is family time, where you gather your family together, and have some decision time, and check how each individual family has been up-to, and come over for dinner, it is like events where you have a celebration.
Information 1 *Family Dinner*:
Last night my family and I had a feast, where we sat on our dinner table having an amazing calum dinner, from delight ROAST WORLD!!! It was amazing I went and sat munching on the chicken wing and the crispy fried potatoes, we had some family time and family prayers.
Information 2 *Why Family Reunion So IMPORTANT*:
Family Reunion is so IMPORTANT because, we can have aunts and uncles cousins around different areas, to come and have family decisions, and many more family time like long time no see, together talking and having fun during family gatherings are a special way to celebrate many events.
Information 3 *Family Sports*:
My family sport that we play the most is RUGBY!!!. It is a common game that we normally play, it is when we are bored and want to play a game, there are a lot of positions in the game to learn.
Conclusion *Preview*:
This Family Reunion is amazing, we have many many things to do, and much to learn about, we have a few reasons why we have Family gatherings, and many activities to learn from.
Kia ora everyone my name is Sauma. Today my Literacy class have been learning about explanation writing and how we did many information of advice, which is about Family Reunion, I hope you understand how my family do family gathers, please leave a positive comment.
Wednesday, 21 October 2020
Renewable Energy
Tuesday, 20 October 2020
Tech *CURRY*
Monday, 19 October 2020
Niue Language Week
Plastic Pollution
Plastic Pollution
Title: Plastic Pollution
Introduction *Angry People Destroying Marine* :
Rubbish has people disgusted with anger of how, polluting and destroying the Marine life of wildlife animals and sea creatures, it really harms Earth.
Information 1 Environment:
Plastic pollution kills the environment, which is not good for health. Over 32% of rubbish gets dumped in the trash, which leaves us 78 million washed in the ocean, over thousands of creatures die from issues like this.
Information 2 Use Less:
Let's use less Plastic,by recycling and trying to use less plastic and more material worth shopping bags, less plastic cups and more useful material.
Today's preview of this writing uses less and more material due to life creatures.
Bula everyone my name is Sauma. Today my Literacy class have been learning about Plastic, and how it kills the Earth and makes a very big big climate change difference, I hope you'd understand the meaning and the difference that harms Earth, please leave and positive comment.
Awesome Algebra
Friday, 16 October 2020
Term 1 Assembly
This morning it was a great experience of gathering the whole school for school assembly, it was great we had movies played and facts to learn, this term koreo is about Art Alive we are focusing on famous art painters and painting, first we had Team 1 first they played a movie about famous art painters around the world recreating photos of them.
Next up we have Team 2. They are talking about shapes and creating themselves of objects with drawing, and many more to create faces with. Now we have Team 3, they were creating a piece of art which
was spray painted it was so bright and creative.
Team 4 were having a google meet and they were talking about what type of art they could work and focus on. Last but not least we have Team 5. They are talking about famous galleries from around the world and worth the price, my favourite piece of movie I like was Team 5 because you can see many art from back in the days of famous people from art galleries.
Bula everyone my name is Sauma. Today my home class is writing about what the assembly of Monday was about, it was talking about the koreo for this term, this is the last term of 2020. We have learned many amazing experiences from the last few terms, I hope you enjoyed and understood the term please leave a positive comment.
Thursday, 15 October 2020
Vincent Van Gogh
Marvellous Measurement
Task Description: Bula everyone my name is Sauma. Today my Maths class are learning about Perimeter, and how we round the shape and add all the numbers, I have done a few graphs which I solved which is amazing please leave and positive comment.
Wednesday, 14 October 2020
Marvellous Measurement 2
Marvellous Measurement 1
Why Is School Important!!!
Why Is School Important!!!
Why Is School So Important???
*Examples* Introduction:
It gives you an amazing future to look up to, and you could be lucky to follow your own dream.
School Examples???
Information 1:
It is very important for our own self to have education to be learning, when you are young you will start to notice you have been better than ever.
What School Provides???
Information 2:
It provides you knowledge of learning and many activities, knowledge that you might never encounter otherwise, it gives you successful work, you would build a block that is strong in remembering necessary learning. Teachers and members of school support one another to come to school, they create fun learning experiences to go through.
Work Hard???
Information 3:
Working really hard is a great strategy for learning, it will help process information from your mind, it is a very successful mindset and it is very encouraging, once you notice.
My Goals From Leaving School??
Is to have successful academics, and to be one of Pt England Prefect, of being a leader of showing examples to others, and have a better career towards college and future.
Tuesday, 13 October 2020
How to be a Good Son/Daughter
How to be a Good Son/Daughter
What does it take to be a good son/daughter? A while or so, to be better by not asked.
Explanation writing
Think about what it means to be a good son or daughter. Write to explain to your reader what kind of person you need to be in order to be a good son or daughter.
Begin Writing Here:
INTRO!!!!!! How to be a Good Son/Daughter. How can you?? It takes time by bit, being able to have an open mind before your parents ask, of loving one another, spend much time as a family, and have a helping hand around the house, communicate BE THANK-FUL!!!!!
LISTEN!!!!!! Parents do not like how some kids never listen, when they talk, stop and hear them out to them.When your Parents say to do something, it is not a big deal of anger, simple as always stay strong and keep calm, easy to remember and easy to do.
BE OPEN!!!!!! Clear your mind to say yes, it will help whenever your parents ask you, where you have already have and answer to say
THANKFUL!!!!!! Before and after say thank you that your parents did many things, they brought you clothes, you are in a home under a roof, your lucky you have many opportunities, you have had food since you were young be thankful.
HELP OUT!!!!! Give a hand around the house, it is very simple to do things, clean do dishes, washing cleaning your bed, there are many many things to do
Why Plastic Harms EARTH!!
Monday, 12 October 2020
How To Be A Good Son/Daughter
How to be a Good Son/Daughter
T | Title - What you will be explaining |
I | Introduction - Tell your audience what the topic is about and what is to be explained. |
I | Information - Explain the elements or steps in a logical sequence |
C | Conclusion - Final summarising statement, an evaluation or comment about what you have explained. |
Title | How to be a Good Son/Daughter |
Introduction | Are you a good son or daughter? Some kids aren’t sure. In order to be a good son or daughter you need to be sure to listen, help out and be thankful. |
Information 1st idea | Listen. One thing parents hate is when their kid doesn’t listen to them, and that doesn’t just mean hearing. Listening is when you look at your parents when they talk and actually process what they’re saying. Then once you’ve processed what they’ve said, actually go and do it. |
Information 2nd idea | Help Out Parents love it when they’re kids are helpful around the house. Especially when you do it without being asked. Try little things, like washing the dishes or even just bringing in the groceries and it’ll make things a lot easier for your parents. Helping around truly has its advantages. |
Information 3rd idea | Be Thankful Your parents do a lot for you. They feed you, clothe you, put a roof over your heads. That’s just a tiny portion of how much love your parents put into you. So say thank you and show it through your actions. Maybe even give your parents a massage when they come home from work, or give them breakfast in bed in the morning. Your parents want to feel loved and appreciated too. |
Conclusion | So now that you’ve read my story about “Role Models” are you strong, powerful and motivational enough to be a good role model? Everyone has the strength to be a role model. So use your strength and become a better role model then you already are! |
Thursday, 8 October 2020
Tuesday, 6 October 2020
BULA everyone my name is Sauma. Today i'd like to share you one of my REMINDER, here is a slide to explain the many WHYS you should do this, it will help others around the world and you especially with a good environment I hope you do enjoy, and feel free to leave and positive comment.
Monday, 5 October 2020
Cherry Blossoms!!!